Risk Calendar
03 November 2020
The risk calendar marks key risks throughout the year to help you protect your church and those who use it
| Bad weather - Check pipes and lag where necessary, clear fallen leaves from pathways, ensure trees are safe, and clear roof valleys and gutters of debris.
| Fire risk assessment - Review your fire risk assessment. It is important to do this on an annual basis and is a legal requirement.
| Merry Christmas - Review your safety and escape procedures. Check all Christmas lights, power cables, extension leads and precautions for candles and extra equipment.
| Water pipes and heating - Check that your water pipes are lagged, the stopcock is clearly labelled, and your heating system has been serviced by a registered engineer.
| Health and Safety - Review your health & safety arrangements to ensure they remain adequate and are compliant with relevant legal requirements.
| Electrical Wiring - Check that electrical systems have been inspected by a qualified electrician within the last five years and all portable appliances have been tested.
| Fetes and events - Review arrangements to ensure everyone has a great time and remains safe.
| Church security - Open your church during the day and lock it at night, lock valuables in a secure area and remove anything that could aid an arson attack.