Tailored cover, specialist expertise
Specialist Fine Art, collections and antiques cover
Providing specialist building valuations
Risk management services
Hear what our customers think
Historic Ireland Insurance features
- Buildings and contents
- Business interruption
- Reputational risk
- Trustee and management liability
- Employers’ liability
- Public liability
- Director’ and officers’
- Loss of licence/Registration
- Equipment breakdown
- Fine art, collections and antiques
- Loss of money
- Fidelity
- Hirers’ liability
- Legal expenses
- Personal accident
- Professional indemnity
For our full summary of cover please view our Historic Ireland policy.
Do I need a buildings valuation?
What is a buildings valuation?
In insurance terms, a building valuation is to assess the cost of reinstatement of the building. It can be difficult to calculate this value as there are many considerations including; architects fees, restoring original features, debris clearance and specialist considerations.
Ecclesiastical has been insuring buildings for more than 130 years and by carrying out a building valuation, we are helping to find a more accurate value for your building insurance cover and avoid the risk of underinsurance.