Do you want to build business resilience?

28 October 2020

Why not adopt an Enterprise Risk Management approach

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In this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, how can you and your clients manage current business risks in light of COVID-19 whilst uncovering growth opportunities?
As part of our continued support to our brokers, we’re pleased to present a short video that will show you how you can develop business resilience with Ecclesiastical’s Head of Enterprise Risk Management, Sarah Pearson.

This video provides a step-by-step guide on: 

  • What Enterprise Risk Management is
  • How taking this approach will benefit you and your clients
  • Roadmap to Business Resilience proposition to help you develop a recovery plan for your business or to assist your clients.
This guide and tools are not only useful whilst we emerge from COVID-19, but is a long term approach to building business resilience.

The guidance in this video is provided for information purposes based on Enterprise Risk Management best practice and is general and educational in nature. It does not constitute legal advice. You are free to choose whether or not to use it and it should not be considered a substitute for seeking professional help in specific circumstances. You acknowledge that over time, this guidance may become out of date and may not constitute best market practice. Accordingly, Ecclesiastical and its subsidiaries shall not be liable for any losses, damages, charges or expenses, whether direct, indirect, or consequential and howsoever arising, that you suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with your use or reliance on the information provided in this video except for those which cannot be excluded by law.